Astrology Today • issue 019
Time Nomad newsletter • August 15, 2019
From the editor

This last Full Moon in the sign of Leo couldn’t bring us fewer passionate surprises! One may have hoped that having the Sun–Venus conjunction helps to soften the extremes, alas, the Full Moon is happening at the time when Sun–Venus is also in the process of tightening its conjunction with Mars, the planet of energy and action.
Combative nature of Mars can be clearly observed in both personal situations and on the world scene. The Moon’s fullness further amplifies all sorts of conflicts and polarity of interests. One may found themselves arguing and fearlessly defending one’s position and territory. Those are all signs of overwhelming emotional pressure in the domain of passion and individuality. What are good strategies during the second half of this lunation? We shall discuss them further down the page.
The world scene provides some vivid illustrations of Mars–Venus overheated by the fire of the Sun. Civil unrest turned outright violence in Hong Kong, stabbing attack in Sydney, Australia, clashes of protesters and police in Moscow, Russia. All those events tell us of passions went extreme. Mars is capable of coarse and cruel acts that Venus can at times surprisingly exaggerate through its frivolous nature. Looking at the economy at large, there is an increasing risk of it gradually sliding into recession due to unresolved conflictual attitudes between key players.
There is a degree of hope with the Sun–Mars–Venus trio leaving the fiery sign of Leo and moving into Virgo after August 23. Virgo may bring some prudence and the sense of duty as well as consideration of interests of others. That would be a very welcome development! We shall look into some more astrological details for the second part of August in Astrological Weather down below.
Towards responsibility,
Discovering gemstone energies
Gemstone Colour Guide — How to choose the right gemstone by colour.

Yellow flowers will instantly cheer you up. A woman in a red dress will grab everyone’s attention fast. A blush pink gemstone will land a delicate and heartwarming sensation…
Colours evoke particular feelings and emotions and subliminally influence our behaviour, decision and attitude. Colour is one of the most expressive and magical languages that doesn’t require translation.
As per colour psychology, red creates a sense of urgency, power and passion (look at Garnet and Ruby!); blue is associated with trust, logic and loyalty (just like Lapis Lazuli). Purple is related to wisdom and luxury (that’s Amethyst!); yellow brings energy and warmth (like Citrine crystal), and so on…
It is not a random coincidence but rather a consistent and proven correspondence between the colour of the gems and what kind of qualities and energies it is able to connect us with.
Let’s explore how colour affects our perception and our relationship with particular gemstones.
It will help you choose the right crystal and gemstone jewellery for yourself or as a gift while being guided just by the colour. At the end of this article you will find an explicit Gemstone Colour Guide… continue reading
Astrological Weather
Mars conjunct to fixed star Regulus
Mars and Regulus go together well. Regulus is a triple fixed star, it’s the main star in the constellation of Leo. Regulus is predominantly of Mars nature with some Jupiterian tones.
Mars is exactly conjunct Regulus on August 18. Both celestial bodies relate to violence and military pursuit. On the positive side they both bring strength, success and ambition.
We can expect actions of military nature or acts that bring public prominence and reflect strong personality. Mark this day in your calendar and see where astrological energies will take you and the larger world around us.
What to do with passionate Mars–Venus?
Exercise! Complex problems sometimes do have simple solutions. Mars–Venus balance controls the flow of libido and life force in general. One may take the notion of libido further than its standard “sexual drive” connotation into a more broader notion of “ability to want”. And that’s what Mars and Venus are about. They want each other, they want things, they want experiences.
Mars and Venus is an eternal polarity that resolves itself either through a fiery combustion or through an engaging flow. The secret of handling Mars–Venus inflammation can be discovered by engaging in a vigorous physical exercise that miraculously equalises the forces and achieves peace through exertion.
Preparing for the New Moon on perigee
The month of August culminates with the New Moon at its closest distance to the Earth, or perigee.
The second half of August is the period of possibly increasing martian influences that will plant seeds for the near future.
The New Moon on its perigee activates the Black Moon through the power of its opposition. It is a great time for some in-depth observations of what really moves us and what limits us. The earlier story “In the “shadow” of the Black Moon” casts some astrological light onto the mysteries of the Black Moon.
In previous issues…
The previous issue discussed The “shadow” of the Black Moon.
The one before pondered upon Myths and truths behind Mercury retrogrades.
It’s always useful to revisit Aspect patterns — the building blocks of astrological charts.
Don’t miss the great story about The Moon Nodes and the Force of Destiny.
We offered some great information about Minor astrological aspects and the domain of magic.
Recently we also covered Astrological aspects and sacred geometry.
We explored the role of Fixed Stars in astrology.
We offered our take on the Astrological interpretation of the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris.
We did some research into Equinox, Solstice and the idea of Universal Consciousness.
Linked to that is the story about The Sidereal Zodiac in astrology, its strengths and weaknesses.
The topic of the year still remains the timeline of Saturn – Pluto conjunction of years 2019–2020–2021 and its karmic meaning.
And we didn’t forget the glory of the annual Sun – Neptune conjunction of 2019.
The alchemical nature of the Zodiac was discussed in how the four Elements rule over the Zodiac signs.
We spoke about the planetary cycles in the second part of the series about understanding planetary cycles: applying and separating aspects.
Which was a continuation of the topic about waxing and waning aspects in the context of planetary cycles.
Mars – Pluto squares of 2019 and the politics of nuclear warfare was an interesting foray into the world of big politics.
We touched on a topic of an archetype of love triangle, or why Jupiter and Venus always in love.
We also talked about manifestations of the signs of the Zodiac in the human body.
Long-term events
Saturn–Pluto conjunction is currently separating at 6.4º orb as both Saturn and Pluto are in retrograde until September 18 and October 3 respectively. The date of the exact conjunction is scheduled for Jan 13, 2020. Read the story about this event that happens once in about 38 years and its possible repercussions.