Astrology Today • issue 011
Time Nomad newsletter • April 18, 2019
From the editor

This Full Moon is certainly going to be remembered in the astrological history. It is arguably one of the most fiery — as opposed to the biggest or fullest — Moons we have had. In this issue will we discuss what turned it that way and why it is always good to be ready for certain things in advance.
The biggest topic is obviously the fire of Notre-Dame Cathedral that was a deeply moving accident that should have been prevented but unfortunately we mostly notice the eggs that got irreversibly broken, an indispensable trait of the human nature.
We are going to look at the Notre-Dame event by using the fixed stars since they can offer some very good hints when it comes to precise local events. The fixed stars have that amazing nature of being the sources of some very punctual astral energies, something that every astrology enthusiast sees as powerful keys to unlock the meaning behind the chart.
Notwithstanding the drama of Notre-Dame, it was a lucky coincidence that Time Nomad has finally introduced the Fixed Stars add-on. Creating this add-on proved to be quite an adventure that took much longer than initially anticipated. I am going to tell a few words about this add-on in a few paragraphs’ time.
Chasing the fixed stars,
Featured story
Influence of the Fixed Stars, an astrological interpretation of the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris
Fires and other punctual accidents are often the result of exact alignments between planets and the fixed stars.
In this story we will look into the nature of fixed stars and will attempt to gain some understanding of the actual mechanisms that govern irregular “out of the blue” accidents like fires, explosions and collapses.
Symbolic, dramatic and sudden fire that nearly destroyed Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on 15 April, 2019 is a great example of an event that took place perhaps due to a specific and precise combination of stellar energies… continue reading
Discovering planetary energies
Pink Opal gemstone — a true Celestial Candy

The two most feminine celestial archetypes — Venus and Moon — are united in Pink Opal gemstone in a celebration of universal love, harmony, beauty and creative inspiration.
In archetypal worlds everything exists in a pre-manifested state as seeds or prototypes. The forces of Venus and Moon are our direct pathways to the celestial worlds of eternal bliss and beauty.
The Venus archetype symbolises the power of passive attraction, spiritual aspiration and universal love. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, she emanates sophistication, undeniable charm and eternal youth.
The Moon archetype represents nurturing recharging power, receptivity, intuition and unconditional love. Moon governs all fluids and is directly related to water.
And water is a well hidden secret inside of every Pink Opal gemstone! Wonder why?
Wearing a Pink Opal gemstone has long been acknowledged to improve all heart-related aspects. It brings self-acceptance and precious feelings of inner love and harmony projected towards its wearer. Pink Opal facilitates emotional healing and radiates nurturing waves of renewal of life and hope. Get to know all secrets behind Pink Opal….
Time Nomad update
Introducing the Fixed Stars, a new add-on for Time Nomad
Adding stellar aspects, parallels, rise-culmination-set and rich astrological information to your charts.
I know that a lot of folks patiently waited for the fixed stars functionality to be added to Time Nomad. And it has finally happened! Thank you to everybody for being patient, understanding and supporting me through the process.
Working with the fixed stars was certainly a challenge. Firstly, the sheer number of the stars out there required some process of singling out the most relevant ones from the astrological point of view. The 15 Behenian “root” stars are certainly the ones to start with but clearly not quite enough.
I ended up opting for the classical work of Vivian Robson “The Fixed Stars And Constellations In Astrology” that was published in 1923 but still stands as the pillar of the stellar knowledge. Yes, it’s a bit old-style in its language but mostly due to the sources it uses: Ptolemy, Alvidas, Simmonite and other classical astrologers whose intimate knowledge of astrology of the stars still remains unmatched.
You have to excuse the language of their interpretations. My advice is do not take it literally but rather “translate” it to the modern notions. For example, nebulae were considered a sign of physical blindness. In the modern astrological interpretation one can talk about a weakened ability to see, to discern, to know, and thus a holistic astrological advice would be working on one’s understanding, learning new things, not staying locked up in what one already knows and comfortable with.
The add-on is designed to be freely configurable. You can select what stars you want to work with, what stellar aspects you’re interested in and set your own orbs.
Aspects to the fixed stars is a big topic in itself. It’s a common practice to only work with conjunctions. But other aspects are also valid geometrical constructs and thus Time Nomad is not trying to limit you in any way. Choose from a wide variety of stellar aspects and see what works best for your practice.
The above story investigating the Notre-Dame fire is an example of the fixed stars analysis that can provide some ideas of how to use the add-on.
Lastly, the add-on isn’t fully finished yet. There are still some improvements that I am planning to make in the coming months.
Upcoming astrological events
The Moon that brushed against Regulus
If this Full Moon is so fiery that’s due to some recent and still developing passages:
- The Moon has just completed its close passage to the star Regulus
- Mars is completing its conjunction with the fiery star Aldebaran
- The Sun is heating up Uranus culminating in an exact conjunction shortly after the Full Moon
Looking at the chart for 19 April 2019 depicting the moment of the Full Moon…
The Moon swung past Regulus a few days ago on April 15, an event that has, with little doubt, contributed to the fire of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. The encounter with Regulus filled the Moon with the energies of Sun, Uranus and Mars. Regulus is known as both the “Lion’s heart” and the “Crushing Foot”. Pick the one you prefer the most!
Mars stayed conjunct with the beautiful star Aldebaran (the constellation of Taurus) from April 10 to April 19. Aldebaran is a predominantly Marsian star with some undertones of Mercury and Jupiter.
It’s always good to remember that any planet conjunct to Aldebaran is opposite to Antares, an even more Marsian star located in the constellation of Scorpius, you’re starting to get the full picture! One may meaningfully speak of the Aldebaran–Antares axis of fire.
The Sun is continuing to irradiate already electric Uranus on their way to exact conjunction on April 22.
And, of course, we can’t forget our favourite of the year — the ongoing grinder of Saturn – Pluto conjunction is about to turn retrograde very soon. Pluto goes fist on April 24 closely followed by Saturn on April 29. Only a few sleeps left! This retrograde isn’t necessarily going to be a “bad” thing. It may bring some pressure relief, we’ll know soon anyway.
To wrap up the big picture, it’s a fiery period of time prone to bursts and accidents relating to unconfined fire of possibly electric and unexpected nature. Stay wise knowing that any surprises are part of the celestial plan!
In previous issues…
The previous issue discussed Equinox, Solstice and the idea of Universal Consciousness.
The one before pondered upon The Sidereal Zodiac in astrology, its strengths and weaknesses.
The topic of the year still remains the timeline of Saturn – Pluto conjunction of years 2019–2020–2021 and its karmic meaning.
And we didn’t forget the glory of the annual Sun – Neptune conjunction of 2019.
The alchemical nature of the Zodiac was discussed in how the four Elements rule over the Zodiac signs.
We spoke about the planetary cycles in the second part of the series about understanding planetary cycles: applying and separating aspects.
Which was a continuation of the topic about waxing and waning aspects in the context of planetary cycles.
Mars – Pluto squares of 2019 and the politics of nuclear warfare was an interesting foray into the world of big politics.
We touched on a topic of an archetype of love triangle, or why Jupiter and Venus always in love.
We also talked about manifestations of the signs of the Zodiac in the human body.
Long-term events
Saturn – Pluto conjunction is slowing down and is currently at 2.7º orb as both Saturn and Pluto are preparing for a nearly mutual retrograde starting in just a few days time on 24 April while still approaching their exact conjunction on Jan 13, 2020. Read the story about this event that happens once in about 38 years and its possible repercussions.