The 27 Nakshatras of Vedic astrology

The 27 Nakshatras are the stations of the Moon, aka lunar mansions, that are evenly distributed along the sidereal zodiac that forms the basis of Vedic astrology.

The nakshatras have been introduced by the ancient Indian astronomers and astrologers. Each nakshatra (or lunar mansion, or station) is the part of the sky that the Moon covers during single day.

Since the nakshatras use the sidereal zodiac — meaning the real backdrop of physical fixed stars — each of them was assigned a particular group of stars, an asterism, that carries certain astrological symbolism.

The most accepted system of nakshatras consists of 27 equal divisions of the full 360º ecliptic circle and thus produces 27 equal segments of 13º20’ per nakshatra.

Each nakshatra is defined by a combination of:

  • a segment along the ecliptic
  • a corresponding asterism within that segment

A visual tour of the nakshatras

The best way to get the feeling of what the nakshatras actually are in the sky is to watch the animated tour along the ecliptic highlighting corresponding asterisms for each nakshatra. This way the reader will be able to identify those asterisms in the real sky and establish a deeper feeling for those sky segments.

The videos below should be watched in the HD (high definition) mode to enable legibility of text and fine starry sky details. Use the cogwheel icon at the bottom of the video to switch to the HD mode.

The two videos below present the nakshatras tour from both northern and southern hemispheres.

The two Moon cycles

There are two fundamental cycles of the Moon: sidereal orbital period and synodic month.

The shorter 27.27 day sidereal orbital period is the time it takes the Moon to complete its travel along the backdrop of the fixed stars. For example, if the Moon today were at fixed star Spica, it will take it 27.27 days to arrive at Spica again. The sidereal period reflects the alignment between the Moon and fixed stars. This cycle is the basis for defining the nakshatras.

The longer 29.5 day synodic month is the time from one New Moon to the next New Moon, aka the lunation cycle. The synodic period reflects the alignment between the Moon and the Sun.

The nakshatras are calculated using the sidereal orbital period and the sidereal zodiac.

How many nakshatras are there, 27 or 28?

A more “modern” system of 27 nakshatras — that is in fact more that 2,000 years old — uses the 365 days calendar with the Moon covering the arc of 13º20’ per day. This corresponds to the 27.27 day sidereal orbital period and produces the commonly accepted system of 27 nakshatras.

The older system of 28 nakshatras reflects the fact that in Vedic times the length of the year was considered to be 360 days with 12 perfect months of 30 days and the Moon was considered to travel exactly 13º per day. In that perfect but unfortunately imprecise system the sidereal orbital period was 27.69 days, meaning that it takes about 28 days for the Moon to complete the full circle along the ecliptic, hence 28 divisions of the ecliptic. The 360 day solar year was finally abandoned around 700 BCE.

Subdivisions of a nakshatra

Each nakshatra is further subdivided into four equal parts called the padas. Each pada is thus 3º20’.

Since one nakshatra corresponds to a segment of the sky travelled by the Moon in a single day, one may think of a pada as a quarter of a day, an approximate 6 hour period.

Symbolical associations of the padas can be conceptualised using the four fold model similar to the four quadrants of the astrological chart. The times are obviously approximate and symbolic in essence.

Pada Part of day Symbolism Moon phase
Pada 1 Midnight to 6 hours Spring, beginning Waxing crescent
Pada 2 6 hours to noon Summer, unfoldment Waxing gibbous
Pada 3 Noon to 18 hours Autumn, fruition Waning gibbous
Pada 4 18 hours to midnight Winter, reconciliation Waning crescent
The Nakshatras (lunar mansions) widget

The Nakshatras calculator

Track the nakshatras (lunar mansions) of the Moon and other planets of astrological chart using a Home Screen widget and an app extension. Explore the add-on…

Perceiving the Nakshatras

The best way to experience the nakshatras is through direct observation of the night sky. The rest of this article will illustrate asterisms corresponding to each nakshatra and can serve as a guide for the reader to gain deeper familiarity with the prominent asterisms that constitute both the nakshatras and the zodiac signs, the foundations of astronomical constellations.

1. Ashvini | 2. Bharani | 3. Krittika | 4. Rohini | 5. Mrigashira | 6. Ardra | 7. Punarvasu | 8. Pushya | 9. Ashlesha | 10. Magha | 11. Purva Phalguni | 12. Uttara Phalguni | 13. Hasta | 14. Chitra | 15. Swati | 16. Vishakha | 17. Anuradha | 18. Jyeshtha | 19. Mula | 20. Purva Ashada | 21. Uttara Ashada | 22. Shravana | 23. Dhanishtha | 24. Shatabhisha | 25. Purva Bhadrapada | 26. Uttara Bhadrapada | 27. Revati

And not forgetting to say a few words about Abhijit that belongs to the non-standard archaic 28 Nakshatra system.

1. Ashvini

The Ashvini nakshatra asterism fixed stars Sheratan and Mesarthim of Aries constellation

Name Physician to the gods
Ruler Ketu (South Node)
Symbol Horse’s head
Also Transport, possessing horses, yoking horses
Deity Ashvins, divine doctors
Sidereal 0º – 13º20 Aries
Stars β “Sheratan” and γ “Mesarthim” of Aries
Energy South Node and Mars
Qualities Dynamic, fiery, awakened, buoyant life energy, stamina, aggression

2. Bharani

The Bharani nakshatra asterism fixed stars Lilii Borea and Bharani of Aries constellation

Name The bearer
Ruler Venus
Symbol Yoni (female reproductive organ)
Also Restraint, bearing
Deity Yama
Sidereal 13º20 – 26º40 Aries
Stars 35, 39 “Lilii Borea” and 41 “Bharani” of Aries
Energy Venus and Mars
Qualities Artistic, creative, responsibility, passion, excessive struggle and frustration

3. Krittika

The Krittika nakshatra asterism fixed stars of the Pleiades

Name Nurses of Karttikeya, a son of Shiva
Ruler Sun
Symbol Flame, cutting edge
Also Fire, cutters
Deity Agni
Sidereal 26º40 Aries – 10º Taurus
Stars The Pleiades
Energy Sun and Mars–Venus
Qualities Greatness, truth, willpower, desires, despotism

4. Rohini

The Rohini nakshatra asterism fixed star Aldebaran of Taurus constellation

Name The red one
Ruler Moon
Symbol Chariot, temple, banyan tree
Also Ruddy, growing, ascent
Deity Brahma or Prajapati
Sidereal 10º – 23º20 Taurus
Stars Aldebaran of Taurus
Energy Moon and Venus
Qualities Charm, beauty, sensual, indulging, consumerism, earth-bound, heavy soul

5. Mrigashira

The Mrigashira nakshatra asterism fixed stars Meissa and Heka of Orion constellation

Name The seeker
Ruler Mars
Symbol Deer’s head
Also Search, start of quest
Deity Soma, Chandra
Sidereal 23º20 Taurus – 6º40 Gemini
Stars λ “Meissa”, φ “Hecka” of Orion
Energy Mars and Venus–Mercury
Qualities Quest for Spirit, subtle perceptions, curiosity, intelligence, erratic pursuits

6. Ardra

The Ardra nakshatra asterism  fixed star Betelgeuse of Orion constellation

Name The lord of the storm
Ruler Rahu (North Node)
Symbol Human head, drop of water, diamond
Also Shining gem, wet, soft, green, sharp
Deity Rudra, the storm god
Sidereal 6º40 – 20º Gemini
Stars Betelgeuse or Orion
Energy North Node and Mercury
Qualities Intelligence, power of sharp mind, ungratefulness, abuse of power

7. Punarvasu

The Punarvasu nakshatra asterism fixed stars Castor and Pollux of Gemini constellation

Name Return, renewal, restoration; good, brilliant
Ruler Jupiter
Symbol Bow and quiver of arrows
Also Repetition, ray of light, jewel, prosperous
Deity Aditi, mother of the gods
Sidereal 20º Gemini – 3º20 Cancer
Stars Castor and Pollux of Gemini
Energy Jupiter and Mercury–Moon
Qualities Generosity, purity, launching pad to success, mobility, mental flimsiness

8. Pushya

The Pushya nakshatra asterism fixed stars Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis of Cancer constellation

Name The nourisher
Ruler Saturn
Symbol Circle, lotus, cow’s udder
Also Providing, nurturing, blossoming
Deity Brihaspati, priest of the gods
Sidereal 3º20 – 16º40 Cancer
Stars γ “Asellus Borealis”, δ “Asellus Australis” and θ of Cancer
Energy Saturn and Jupiter
Qualities Wisdom, power of word, wisdom of higher knowledge, stubbornness, selfish

9. Ashlesha

The Ashlesha nakshatra asterism fixed stars Ashlesha, Minazal and Minchir of Hydra constellation

Name The entwiner, embracer
Ruler Mercury
Symbol Serpent
Also Kundalini, entangling
Deity Naga, the serpent king
Sidereal 16º40 – 30º Cancer
Stars δ, ε “Ashlesha Nakshatra”, η, ρ, and σ “Minchir” of Hydra
Energy Mercury–Moon and Pluto, the Underworlds
Qualities Deep, magnetic, thoughtful, reclusive, sensual, depression, melancholy, elusiveness

10. Magha

The Magha nakshatra asterism fixed star Regulus of Leo constellation

Name The mighty, bountiful
Ruler Ketu (South Node)
Symbol Royal throne
Also Great
Deity Pitras, protectors of humanity
Sidereal 0º – 13º20 Leo
Stars Regulus
Energy South Node and Sun
Qualities Heartness, spirituality, leadership, ambition, pride, arrogance

11. Purva Phalguni

The Purva Phalguni nakshatra asterism fixed stars Zosma and Chertan of Leo constellation

Name The first reddish one, fruit of the tree
Ruler Venus
Symbol Fig tree, hammock, couch
Also Recuperation, prosperity, well-being, enjoyments
Deity Bhaga, the god of good fortune
Sidereal 13º20 – 26º40 Leo
Stars δ “Zosma” and θ “Chertan” of Leo
Energy Venus and Sun
Qualities Love, creativity, art, procreation, wealth, pleasure, self indulgence, vanity

12. Uttara Phalguni

The Magha nakshatra asterism fixed star Denebola of Leo constellation

Name The second reddish one, fruit of the tree
Ruler Sun
Symbol Hammock, rear legs of bed
Also Patronage, friendship, leadership, nobility, caring
Deity Aryaman, god of patronage
Sidereal 26º40 Leo – 10º Virgo
Stars Denebola of Leo
Energy Sun and Mercury
Qualities Expansion, caring, healing, helping, enduring, seeking for lost half, abandonment, stubbornness, resentment

13. Hasta

The Hasta nakshatra asterism  fixed stars Alchiba, Kraz, Algorab, Gienah and Minkar of Corvus constellation

Name The hand
Ruler Moon
Symbol Palm of the hand
Also Blessings
Deity Savitar, the Sun god
Sidereal 10º – 23º20 Virgo
Stars α “Alchiba”, β “Kraz”, γ, δ “Algorab” and ε “Minkar” of Corvus
Energy Moon and Mercury
Qualities Clarity of thinking, creative and structured intelligence, humorous, self-development, ascetic tendencies, fragile health, stress, lack of patience, cold and calculating

14. Chitra

The Chitra nakshatra asterism fixed star Spica of Virgo constellation

Name The bright one
Ruler Mars
Symbol Bright jewel or pearl
Also Opportunity, brilliant, beautiful
Deity Tvashtar, the celestial architect
Sidereal 23º20 Virgo – 6º40 Libra
Stars Spica of Virgo
Energy Mars and Mercury–Venus
Qualities Artistic, charismatic, charming, bright, prosperous, illusory, seductive, self-consciousness, egotism

15. Swati

The Swati nakshatra asterism fixed star Arcturus of Boötes constellation

Name The sword
Ruler Rahu (North Node)
Symbol Coral
Also Independence, self-going
Deity Vayu, the wind demigod
Sidereal 6º40 – 20º Libra
Stars Arcturus of Boötes
Energy North Node and Venus–Saturn in air modality
Qualities Survival through movement and adjustment, sensitivity, communication, self-reliance, life- and world-oriented, materialistic

16. Vishakha

The Vishakha nakshatra asterism fixed stars Zubenelgenubi, Zubeneschamali and Zubenelhakrabi of Libra constellation

Name The forked, two branched
Ruler Jupiter
Symbol Triumphal arch, potter’s wheel
Also Success, delight
Deity Indra, chief of gods and Agni, god of fire
Sidereal 20º Libra – 3º20 Scorpio
Stars α “Zubenelgenubi”, β “Zubeneschamali”, γ “Zubenelhakrabi” and ι of Libra
Energy Jupiter and Venus–Mars
Qualities Optimism, enthusiasm, faith, hope, patience, persistence, courage, anger, envy, bitterness, dictatorial

17. Anuradha

The Anuradha nakshatra asterism fixed stars Acrab, Dschubba and Fang of Scorpius constellation

Name The star of success
Ruler Saturn
Symbol Triumphal archway, lotus
Also Worship, divine service
Deity Mitra, deity of friendship and partnership
Sidereal 3º20 – 16º40 Scorpio
Stars β “Acrab”, δ “Dschubba” and π “Fang” of Scorpius
Energy Saturn and Mars–Pluto
Qualities Knowledgeable organiser and collaborator, respect of peers, stability, fixation, melancholy, coldness, abuse of powers

18. Jyeshtha

The Jyeshtha nakshatra asterism fixed stars Antares, Alniyat, and Paikauhale of Scorpius constellation

Name The eldest, most excellent
Ruler Mercury
Symbol Circular amulet, umbrella, earring
Also Most senior, chief, eldest
Deity Indra, chief of the gods
Sidereal 16º40 – 30º Scorpio
Stars α “Antares”, σ “Alniyat”, and τ “Paikauhale” of Scorpius
Energy Mercury and Mars–Pluto
Qualities Excellence in intelligence, penetrative mind, originality and flexibility, secretiveness, scheming, arrogant

19. Mula

The Mula nakshatra asterism fixed stars Larawag, Sargas, Shaula, Lesah, Mula, Girtab, Xamidimura and Jabbah of Scorpius constellation

Name The root, foundation
Ruler Ketu (South Node)
Symbol Tied bunch of roots
Also Tail of lion, foundation
Deity Nirriti, goddess of dissolution and destruction
Sidereal 0º – 13º20 Sagittarius
Stars ε “Larawag”, ζ, η, θ “Sargas”, ι, κ, λ “Shaula”, μ and ν “Jabbah” of Scorpius
Energy South Node and Pluto–Jupiter
Qualities Philosophical, deep, mysterious, redemption, power of attraction, wealth and power, manipulation, destruction

20. Purva Ashada

The Purva Ashada nakshatra asterism fixed stars Kaus Media and Kaus Australis of Sagittarius constellation

Name The invincible
Ruler Venus
Symbol Elephant tusk, basket
Also Undefeated, unsubdued
Deity Apas, god of water
Sidereal 13º20 – 26º40 Sagittarius
Stars δ “Kaus Media” and ε “Kaus Australis” of Sagittarius
Energy Venus and Jupiter
Qualities High priest or priestess, spiritual, philosophical, attractive, influential, independent, hubris, haughty, obstinate

21. Uttara Ashada

The Uttara Ashada nakshatra asterism fixed stars Ascella and Nunki of Sagittarius constellation

Name The later invincible
Ruler Sun
Symbol Elephant tusk, small bed
Also Universal, for all humankind, victory after time passed
Deity Vishvadevas, universal gods
Sidereal 26º40 Sagittarius – 10º Capricorn
Stars ζ “Ascella” and σ “Nunki” of Sagittarius
Energy Sun and Jupiter
Qualities Spiritual seeker, leadership, magnanimity, stability, centre of power, burn out, lack of motivation

22. Shravana

The Shravana nakshatra asterism fixed stars Altair, Tarazed and Alshain of Aquila constellation

Name Hearing
Ruler Moon
Symbol Ear, three footprints
Also Learning, knowledge, flow of consciousness
Deity Vishnu, preserver of universe
Sidereal 10º – 23º20 Capricorn
Stars α “Altair”, β “Alshain” and γ “Tarazed” of Aquila
Energy Moon and Saturn
Qualities Receptive to the subtle, voice and communication, teaching and educating others, studying, seclusion, rigidity, suspicion

23. Dhanishtha

The Dhanishtha nakshatra asterism fixed stars Sualocin, Rotanev, Al Ukud and Al Salib of Delphinus constellation

Name The most famous, superlative of hearing
Ruler Mars
Symbol Drum, flute
Also Symphony, music, singing, charity
Deity Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance
Sidereal 23º20 Capricorn – 6º40 Aquarius
Stars α “Sualocin”, Rotanev, Al Ukud, Al Salib of Delphinus
Energy Mars and Saturn–Uranus
Qualities Active vision of higher realms, knowledge of the hidden, compassion, social justice, ambitions becoming obstacles, material pursuits turning greed, ruthless and cold

24. Shatabhisha

The Shatabhisha nakshatra asterism fixed star Sadachbia of Aquarius constellation

Name The hundred physicians
Ruler Rahu (North Node)
Symbol Empty circle, hundred flowers or stars
Also Regal, king-like, veiled, secluded
Deity Varuna, god of cosmic waters, sky and earth
Sidereal 6º40 – 20º Aquarius
Stars γ “Sadachbia” of Aquarius
Energy North Node and Saturn–Uranus
Qualities Higher knowledge, healing potential, vitality, independence, exclusivity, scepticism, harsh manners, isolation, loneliness

25. Purva Bhadrapada

The Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra asterism fixed stars Markab and Scheat of Pegasus constellation

Name The first of the blessed feet
Ruler Jupiter
Symbol Swords or two front legs of bed (or funeral cot), man with two faces
Also Burning, scorching pair
Deity Aja Ekapada, one-footed goat
Sidereal 20º Aquarius – 3º20 Pisces
Stars α “Markab” and β “Scheat” of Pegasus
Energy Jupiter and Uranus
Qualities Original, eccentric, out-of-the-box visionaries, articulated and convincing, future oriented, mavericks, rebellious, critical, highly strung nervous system

26. Uttara Bhadrapada

The Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra asterism fixed star Algenib of Pegasus constellation and Alpheratz of Andromeda constellation

Name The second of the blessed feet
Ruler Saturn
Symbol Twins, back legs of bed (or funeral cot)
Also Burning, scorching pair
Deity Ahirbudhnya, dragon of the deep sea
Sidereal 3º20 – 16º40 Pisces
Stars γ “Algenib” of Pegasus and α “Alpheratz” of Andromeda
Energy Saturn and Jupiter–Neptune
Qualities Affinity with cosmos, spirituality, deep and expansive, idealistic, peaceful, lack of incarnation, indecisiveness, chaotic, substance addiction

27. Revati

The Revati nakshatra asterism fixed star Revati of Pisces constellation

Name The wealthy
Ruler Mercury
Symbol Fish or pair of fish, drum
Also Prosperous intuition
Deity Pushan, the nurturer
Sidereal 16º40 – 30º Pisces
Stars ζ “Revati” of Pisces
Energy Mercury and Jupiter–Neptune
Qualities Inspired visionary, poetic and creative gifts, compassion and empathy, messy relationships, immaturity, naïveté, sense of irrelevance and inferiority, difficulties with self-identification


The Abhijit nakshatra does not belong to the standard 27 nakshatras. It is the remnant of the ancient 28 nakshatra system. Abhijit enjoys a special popular attention for perhaps purely nostalgic reasons. There has to be something “extra special” after all. Abhijit is the 22nd nakshatra of the 28 nakshatra system.

From the experiential sky gazing standpoint Abhijit isn’t that prominent or active as it is based on the asterism of the star Vega of the constellation of Lyra that is exceedingly far from the path travelled by the Moon. The ecliptic latitude of Vega is about 62º and the Moon never ventures further than just a few degrees from the ecliptic plane, its maximum inclination is 5.30º

The Abhijit nakshatra asterism fixed star Vega of Lyra constellation

Notice how much the Abhijit asterism image had to be zoomed out compared to other nakshatra images in order to fit Vega into the view.

When mapped onto the standard 27 nakshatras, the boundaries of Abhijit overlap with the last quarter of Uttara Ashadha (#21) and extend to the first 1/15th segment of Shravana (#22).

The Nakshatras (lunar mansions) widget

The Nakshatras calculator

Track the nakshatras (lunar mansions) of the Moon and other planets of astrological chart using a Home Screen widget and an app extension. Explore the add-on…