Are the 12 Houses ruled by the Zodiac signs?

A somewhat controversial topic that is worth exploring. Is there a connection between the houses and the Zodiac? Uncovering the deeper meaning behind the houses and the Zodiac signs.
A Western astrological chart has 12 Houses and 12 Zodiac signs, creating two major wheels along which all planets positioned and analysed.
Is it possible that the houses and the signs are somehow connected? Does one rule another, and if so which one is the master and which one is the subordinate?
To better answer this question we are going to explore their commonalities and differences. But first let’s understand how they came to be.
The art of dividing a circle
If the Zodiac signs or houses weren’t invented, an astrological chart would look like a clean circle – geometrically pure and beautiful but lacking specifics that make charts different.

The Zodiac signs are essentially divisions of time along the ecliptic — a trajectory traced by the Sun throughout the year. An astrological year begins with the March equinox that loosely marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere where the Zodiac was “invented”. The course of the year is divided into 12 equal parts, each part having its unique name and flavour. That’s a super short description of the Zodiac circle. The Zodiac division applies to the whole world meaning it’s the same for any place on the Earth.
The methodology behind the Houses is somewhat similar. The zero point of the first house is the position of the eastern horizon along the ecliptic — the point of “eternal Sunrise”. Houses are unique for each specific geographical location and its local time.

Adding these extra two circles makes the chart much more descriptive, it now has:
- season specifics, and
- location specifics.
The same astronomical moment in time (usually expressed in astronomical Julian days that can be translated into universal UTC time) produces different charts. Two people born at the same moment in time will display different mental, psychological and health patterns.
Houses are deeply personal
As the Zodiac belongs to the world point of view, the houses are intrinsically individual. From the metaphysical standpoint, the sphere of the human head is the reflection of the celestial dome as perceived from a specific location on the Earth.
When your eyes are aligned with the ascendant point which is the east, the back of the head is pointing to the west (the descendant), the top of the head is pointing directly at the midheaven which is the cusp of the 10th house. The whole astrological chart can be constructed inside the sphere of your head.
Knowing the houses means knowing oneself. The houses define each unique personality.
Why is “twelve” a good number?
The 12 hour division of time was already in use during Ancient Egypt around 3,000 BC. The Babylonian numeral system was “sexagesimal” meaning based on the number 60. Modern hours and minutes are still divided into 60 parts.
The ancients divided the day and the night into 12 parts in their sundial clocks. This division of time is still in use and is known as “planetary hours” where duration of the day hour is different from the duration of the night hour with a rare exception of the equinox moments that happen twice a year.
From the symbolic standpoint, the number 12 works really well:
- 12 expresses the seasonal flow as in 12 = 4 × 3 symbolising the 4 seasons with each season progressing through the 3 essential phases: beginning, maturation and completion.
- Number 6 is the first simplest “round” number as neither of simpler numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 symbolise round and cyclical as well as 6 does
- 12 is a sum of two 6s as in 12 = 6 + 6
- 60 = 12 × 5 where 5 is the magical “power” number
- 60 = 4 × 15 = 4 × 3 × 5 another beautiful cosmic pattern expressing the action of magic from the domain of ideas down to the domain of hard matter
Intuitively, it makes sense to divide the circle into 12 parts. Certainly one could divide the circle into any other number of parts, be it 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and so on. They are all valid divisions yet the 12 part one feel the most versatile as it interacts really well with other numbers. It integrates much better, it provides a better mathematical and symbolic model.
Rulership or symbolic correspondence?
The 12 houses only exist because the 12 Zodiac signs exist that in turn only exist because the Sun exists. In other words, the Sun gives birth to both the Zodiac and the houses.
If we take an analogy of a watch face with its hour and minute hands, the Zodiac movement is akin to the slower hour hand, and the house movement is akin to the minute hand (or maybe even second) that moves so much faster.

But both have the same birth origin — the movement of the Sun.
From this point of view the Zodiac doesn’t rule the houses since both originate from the same source, the Zodiac and the houses have symbolical similarities — like piano keys that belong to different octaves.
The beginning and the end, the “I am” and “I will be”
Both the 1st house and the the 1st Zodiac sign Aries symbolise beginnings of the personality and the Sun annual cycle.
The last 12th house and the last Zodiac sign Pisces symbolise the completion and transformation from one cycle to another. What has been accomplished and what became karmic debt or karmic credit.
The Midheaven and the “I do”
The Midheaven marks the beginning of the 10th house and is the second most important point in the chart.
The corresponding Zodiac sign is Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. The symbolism of career building, creating something tangible in the world throughout a person’s life span.
“Not every house has planets in it”
Having correspondence rather than rulership really helps in analysing the charts. How well each house interacts with the Zodiac sign into which the house cusp falls defines what kind of life challenges and opportunities are active in one’s life.
Is the first house in Aries or is in Pisces? Two different personalities emerge out of this placement.
Is the 10th house cusp in Sagittarius or in Virgo? The person’s interaction with the world will depend on that.
Having symbolic correspondence between the houses and the Zodiac signs allow us to answer the question of “this house of my chart is empty, what does that mean?” One way to tackle that is to look at the house-to-sign relationship. Another way is to observe that a human life is usually focused around a certain theme that is shaped by the planets and aspects they form. It’s the topic of one’s life “master thesis” — an invitation to stay focused and keep working on what is important and available.
How the houses and the Zodiac signs are related
Putting it all together reveals the interconnectedness between planets, the Zodiac and the houses.
Number | Sign | Ruler | House qualities |
1 | Aries | Mars | “me”, personality, appearance |
2 | Taurus | Venus | taking things from the world, earnings |
3 | Gemini | Mercury | close surroundings, siblings, short actions |
4 | Cancer | Moon | roots, family, upbringing, subconscious, mother |
5 | Leo | Sun | creativity, love, procreation, affairs |
6 | Virgo | Mercury | health & diseases, service, patterns |
7 | Libra | Venus | partnerships, relationships, conflicts |
8 | Scorpio | Mars & Pluto | sex, occult, wealth |
9 | Sagittarius | Jupiter | body, studies, long actions |
10 | Capricorn | Saturn | skills, profession, career, father |
11 | Aquarius | Saturn & Uranus | groups, communities, social sphere |
12 | Pisces | Jupiter & Neptune | large institutions, transformation, karma |
What becomes apparent is that both the Zodiac signs and the houses inherit energies of corresponding ruling planets.
For example, the 6th house exhibits qualities of Mercury, while the 7th clearly relates to Venus and so on.
This raises the following question…
Are the houses ruled by planets?
It would be very tempting to conclude that both the Zodiac and the houses are ruled by the planets. That clearly makes sense when looking at the table above.
In reality energies of the houses and the Zodiac signs are much broader than those of individual planets. Houses often blend qualities of several planets, for example, the 5th house has certain tones of Venus (love, affairs, creativity) that are powered up by the Sun. One may say that the 5th house corresponds to the Sun-Venus duo.
More complex houses like the 8th, the 11th and the 12th have dual planetary correspondences by definition thanks to the discovery of the three trans-Saturnian planets namely Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. How could the ancients think that the 12th house related to Jupiter only? There must be some Neptune in the mix.
So what rules what? Planetary archetypes to the rescue
The fundamental astrological unit of the solar system is the planets that all have originated from the one source, the Sun. Pretty much every flavour of the human psyche can be described using a combination of planetary energies that are the archetypes behind each planet and its reflected light.
The Zodiac and the houses are the next two steps down the ladder of causes and effects. They are both divisions of time and space and inherit certain qualities of their corresponding super principles, the planets.
Once one has learned the planets and their archetypal energies it becomes much easier to understand and navigate the mysteries of the Zodiac and the houses.
Janet Moon
Excellent article. Really loved the explanation of 12.
wow, great article, I’ve been wondering what are the answers to some of those questions for quite some time now. Thank you. Yet the last paragraph about the planetary archetypes still appeared a little bit unclear to me.
interesting article! modern astrology’s house/zodiac/planet associations have always been interesting to me. personally I prefer the traditional significations and the planetary joys systems as I feel it makes more sense to me, but it’s always nice to see other branches’ interpretations
Thanks for the great article brother. Another easy way to prove there are 12 signs is using the 60 repeating golden ratio series which clearly shows the 12 divisions, the cross, the Milky Way, swastika, circle of musical 5ths and so much more. Just count in golden ratio (added the last two consecutive numbers) and only keep the 1’s column. So 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,3(13),1(21),4(34)5,9,4,3,7,0,7,7,4,1,5…. etc. Wrap them around the zodiac and wow, look what you get… peace love and cheers!
Hi Claudio, I’m intrigued by The numerical sequencing you Reference but only follow/ understand, up to number 13. Would you please continue the actual addition process more specifically a few more steps so I might be able to grasp how that works? Thanks! I’ve played arruine with some combinations but can’t seem to figure it out. Thanks!
5+8=13, 8+13=21, 13+21=34, 21+34=55…
He was adding the full numbers, but then only keeping the number in the “1”s space (the whole number farthest to the right), so for the numbers above: 3, 1, 4, 5…
Beyond that, I’m not at all sure what that’s supposed to signify. There are plenty of ways to play with number the result in interesting patterns or sequences. Another classic example is the “3, 6, 9 pattern” that has become synonymous with Nikola Tesla and his “3/6/9 Math” aka “Vortex Based Mathmatics”. Tesla thought the secrets of the universe were contained within those numbers, with “9” representing “God”. A 2D representation of the patterns looks like a compass, or the Freemason’s logo, where the 3D representation looks like a toroidal sphere (or a “donut”), and is thought by some to be the “shape of everything” as it relates to energy flow - from the smallest (atoms) to the medium (planetary magnetic flow) to the largest (black holes, and the entire universe itself).
Great, but you did not tell us, which rulership will be dominant in personal chart , when houses shifted.. let’s say when first house (original qualities of Mars and Aries) actually falls in person chart in sign Leo (ruled by Sun) , and so on! Which will dominate and how they interact (Sun-Mars rulers) who will have final word, how quality or actions will change? Etc. thanks
Time Nomad
Ha, that’s material for a whole book! Too many possible combinations, right? This is how I would go about that… Since the Zodiac signs are ruled by the planets, we could single out few dominant planets and then build the astrological profile from there. Planetary energies give much clearer and more specific ideas. Once we have identified the most prominent planets (on the angles, number of aspects, detriment/exaltation, planetary hour, etc) then we can analyse how their zodiacal and house positions modify planetary energies. If the 1st house is in Leo then it’s all about the abundance of the fire element. If there are some planets in the 1st then look how well they interact with fire. If none, then there’s still overall fiery disposition in the person. Again, this is my approach, others may do it differently.
I like so much that you’re talking about this! It is such a fun and interesting topic to explore. I personally chose to subscribe to the idea that the human lifespan can be illustrated in the Zodiac signs but not ascribing this to the houses. When I was first learning about the houses I read Deb Houdling’s The Houses: Temples of the Sky and I really liked her interpretation because she includes a historical account of the meaning of the houses and what has changed and what has stayed the same in mainstream interpretations throughout history. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in reading about this topic further. There is a lot of good info in there, her interpretation is that the houses and signs are not always so inherently aligned and she offers really good insight into that, in my opinion. If anyone has any similar recommended readings please share!!
I think the houses are the zodiac of the individual. The rulers of the signs of the zodiac correspond in the individual horoscope to the rulers of the individual houses.
My English is too bad to be able to write more. I’m so sorry as it’s a very interesting theme
How come the V- is seen here as procreation affairs, creativity love … and VIII - as sex(that is V full stop), occult, and wealth (II)… ¿ inheritance, other peoples money, transformation.
It’s very clear in traditional astrology… modern seems to me as looking to make its mark, but without logic, and sense of grounding.
Marcel, as a 8th House person I can assure you that even though affairs and sex are intimately related they also can be understood as different matters. If you try to look at things at a symbolical level you will find out that sex can represent lots of different things. Yes 8th house talks a lot about sex, and death (remember that orgasm is also known as little death), deep transformations, rebirth and the occult. If you don’t understand what the “occult” is, it is just because it still occult for most of people (otherwise it would be called the “obvious”). That is not “new age” stuff. Much to the contrary.
Jocelyn ♌️
Awesome! Love your research!
Is there anything like African astrology?
Giovanna Andreazza
Omg loved it! feels like going deep in a huge information sea and how exciting is that!
Prof. Peter Meinhardt
Working since 53 years in research for astrology, I never met a program like this. Forget all others!
Time Nomad
Huge thank you for your support!
B Wise
The ancient skywatchers who came up with astrology did not use houses; if anything, they used quadrants to indicate sunrise/sunset, midheaven/underworld, all indicating increase and decrease in visibility/strength. Houses are a mathematical calculation that is, iirc, an invention of the Hellenistic era, which came later. Some would assert that the most important thing about houses is their indication of how well each planet functions in the chart, based on the rulership scheme (so, pretty much the reverse of what you seem to suggest). Sidereal systems focus on the messages that originate in the heavens, beyond the plane of the planets (the moving stars), from the realm of the fixed stars. So the constellations (the origins of the signs) are emphasized as being meaningful in each planetary journey. I’m not making an argument, just pointing out some diffs with your thinking. Ultimately, as a divinatory system, it doesn’t much matter. The meanings will come across in whatever way they need to come across. The niggling over technique/theory doesn’t really change that, if one is honest. Thanks for the app!
Time Nomad
Not everything that the ancients thought or practiced makes sense. Astrology is a developing discipline. The article doesn’t attempt to look at the zodiac and the houses from a historical perspective. Instead, the focus is on the symbolic language and interconnectedness between different divisions of the sky.
Perhaps your suggestion about the article’s suggestion isn’t really logical because I can’t find an original suggestion you’re putting under question. In the nutshell, the planets are the building blocks of the solar system and thus foundational to the chart. The zodiac and the houses display certain relationship to the planetary energies. That’s what the article is about.
DeWayne GoLightly they call me FIYAH
Ummm…. Well…. I doubt the Cosmos are ruled by our planets…. becauuuuse, the cosmos make up the houses…. ummm…. But with the way modern astrology is taught, I can see how mankind would follow this way of thinking.
However…. The “houses” are comprised of many MANY stars some bigget than our solar system…. Like the Triangulum…. Canis…. these houses share different moving constellations and likely many fixed… ya know?
but…. Earthlings, we like security in our knowings, right??? over everything…. so…. explaining that the houses rule constellations and that constellations rule planets seems weird to people.
In our class, we teach that the “rising” is the “sun” since where it is when you are born dictates your “ascending”…
We also teach that the Earth is ACTUALLY misnamed as the sun sign…. not only do we teach it, but we PROVE it. With science as well as natal readings.
There has not been one soul who has not changed their line of thinking after being shown proof…. many who did NOT want to see it.
I have like, a bunch of names in this app…. lol…. anyway…. This is the coolest app I have, and I am certain I have turned over 100 people on to this app. This may not be the best arena to debate it, but I do not mind to explain some what…
excuse what comes off prideful…. just confident…. had to deal with many angry astrologers…. not really fair to blame me that I saw it from a different perspective before I agreed to everything I was taught about something I did not know ANYTHING about🙏
Be blessed and thanks again for the app man…
Time Nomad
The Solar System is ruled by the Sun and the planets. The larger unit is our galaxy which one may relate to Cosmos is indeed comprised of stars. Yet in its true definition Cosmos is the Creation, the entirety of everything: all galaxies combined.
Caleb Kent Grayson
in my Elemental Astrology i use an Elemental Zodiac which is a ‘level above’ the signs, houses, aspects, and planets. this responds to the criticism of conflating sign and house.
the 12 Elemental divisions are: I/We/All 🜂/🜃/🜁/🜄
examples: I 🜂 > ♈︎ 1st House ☌ ♂ We 🜂 > ♌︎ 5th △ ☉ All 🜃 > ♑︎ 10th -□ ♄
Time Nomad
No conflation of the signs and the houses is present in the article. The article delves into the principles of temporal division of the astrological wheel. The question being answered is: how can one add a greater specificity to the chart? The answer is: using time (of the year and of the day) and the geographic location. Time and space are measurable units, that gives this system a solid foundation.
The four elements have been previously covered in “The four Elements and their powers” and “How the four Elements rule over the Zodiac signs”.
The elements is a fascinating topic yet may be somewhat limiting from purely practical standpoint of interpreting astrological charts. On the contrary, the planetary energies (that are derivative of the elements) provide a more nuanced chart reading. For example, a fiery personality may be of fiery Mars or fiery Venus nature or inflamed Sun, etc. The power of the planetary energies is that they are “more humane” thus rendering themselves very well for psychological insights.
This is nice. Have you ever studied the thema mundi?
Time Nomad
The Thema Mundi is a good model to look into when researching the symbolism behind the planets and the zodiac. My general comment is that the thema corresponds to somewhat different nature of human consciousness of 2-3 thousand years ago with its strong emphasis on the Moon & Cancer (and their correspondence to tribe and family).
For better or worse, the modern world has moved to the Aries as “I am” – the first sign and the first house. Experientially it makes more sense for our epoch so much focused on personal achievement and competition.
Love this article. Thanks a lot!
Nikki DS Guiamsay
Thank you…