When the Moon Nodes turn direct

Alternating retrograde and direct movement of the Moon Nodes reveals polarity of the flow of time. Symbolism behind the transiting nodes. Interpreting direct lunar nodes in natal astrological charts.
The true nodes of the Moon naturally travel in a retrograde (clockwise) direction along the Zodiac. At times the nodes change their movement from retrograde to direct. Each month usually sees at least one direct phase of the lunar nodes.
The lunar nodes is a pair of mathematically calculated sensitive points of intersection of the orbits of the Moon and the Sun.
The North Node, also known as the ascending node or Rahu or Dragon’s Head is the part of the ecliptic where the Moon passes out of south into north latitude – the upward movement.
The South Node, also known as the descending node or Ketu or Dragon’s Tail is 180º opposite of the North Node, the point where the Moon passes out of north into south latitude – the downward movement.
For an earlier discussion about the nodes, refer to the article “The Moon Nodes and the Force of Destiny”.
This article explores the astrological symbolism behind the nodal movement.
The nodes move slowly
The nodes take 18 years, 7 months and 9 days (~18.6 years) to make one complete revolution.
Each Zodiac sign transit takes about 18.6 months (~1.6 years).
Rudolf Steiner has spoken about the “cosmic breathing” – a rhythmic time cycle of 18.6 years that expresses itself via the lunar nodes movement.
Nodes symbolise the flow of time
The North Node (ascending node) is pointing towards the future and is of Jupiter nature.
The South Node (descending node) stands for the past and has a character of Saturn.
This symbolism makes sense since Saturn rules over what has been done, structured and ultimately resulted in a karmic outcome, which can be either “credit” or “debt”.
Jupiter rules over expansion and is the inherent force of optimism that inspires the future looking consciousness.
Using the North–South Nodes correspondence with Jupiter–Saturn helps astrologers to conceptualise the movement of the nodes and their alternation between retrograde and direct phases.
Rotation of the nodes, the North Node returns
Human life can be divided into a sequence of full rotations of the nodes, 18.6 years each. Each North Node return – or simply its transit of the natal North Node – heralds an advent of a new phase of life.
At 0 years — birth into the world
A human leaves the safety of the mother’s womb and begins exploration of the physical world, the immediate vicinity, parents and siblings. The natal chart is the snapshot of that moment with its ascending lunar node describing the vector of current incarnation.
At 18 years, 7 months and 9 days — gaining independence
The first nodal return takes place at 18 years, 7 months and 9 days. The human being is ready to step outside of the family circle and cast away perceived (or real) chains of parental authority. Hence begins the rebellion for independence. Building one’s home, the place of dwelling.
At 37 years, 2 months and 20 days — broadening
The second nodal return takes place at 37 years, 2 months and 20 days. By then it has become obvious that the parental role has been taken by the society that imposed its own rules and laws. Time to reevaluate, refine and relieve oneself from no longer relevant dependencies. The larger circle of relatives, friends, neighbours and peers has left the person wondering “what’s next in my life”?
At 55 years, 10 months and 28 days — reorienting
The third nodal return takes place at 55 years, 10 months and 28 days. The career has passed its culmination. Some may want to retire from the world, others seek to redefine themselves. In either case it’s a renewed search for the soul and its place in a larger picture.
Last two nodal returns — embracing heaven
The fourth nodal return happens at 74 years and 5 months. The fifth is at 92 years, 1 month and 9 days. Both bring the feeling of the sky-heaven closer to the individual consciousness, the vicinity of the spiritual home is becoming more real and may even become attractive. The eternal pull upwards is here to stay.
Transiting South Node
Each South Node transit of the natal North Node marks halfway distance between adjacent North Node returns. The transits happen during the years of 9, 27, 46, 64 and 83. They mark an important period of reintegration of key life learnings that happened during the first half of the North Node phase. Time for reconciliation and adjustment of one’s approach to life. Correct to evolve.
Moon Nodes direct phases
Now that the bigger picture has been painted, one can intuit the role of the direct phases of the lunar nodes.
Human life develops in a to and fro manner, it consists of larger and shorter cycles. The nodes direct phases have a character of the South Node transiting the natal North Node during which the predominant Jupiter–Saturn polarity of the nodes becomes inverted to Saturn–Jupiter dominance.
This Saturnian flavour heralds the phase of retrospection, debt handling and solidification. One can’t meaningfully advance without reconciling their past.
Relatively short phases of the nodes direct movement offer time window during which a certain slowing down can be felt. The direct phase brings the flavour of reassessment and internalisation, one is invited to remember what they have achieved of failed to achieve during the previous nodal phase — and make corrections if deemed necessary.
Direct Moon Nodes in a natal chart
Natal charts that have the nodes in their direct phase may point at a life during which the person should be paying attention to their past.

Karmic balance, either negative or positive, will play an active role in the current incarnation. It is a good idea to periodically do some kind of regression work re-establishing connections to one’s past lives. The South Node transits of the natal North Node will offer auspicious time windows for such exploration.
Another possible scenario, is the “going against the grain of time” type of personality. A number of scenarios is possible. The person can be past-oriented, rejecting modernity in favour of classicism, whatever that means to them. The person may have a strong interest in history, displaying an innate ability to embrace and integrate deep learnings of the humanity as a whole, the analytical side of Saturn. Another possibility is an affinity with institutions that deal with all kinds of time-related matters.
In any case, having direct nodes in the natal chart isn’t a curse of any kind. Rather it’s an invitation for deeper self-understanding and acceptance of oneself as something much bigger than a “snapshot” of a single life time. Perceiving oneself as a cosmic river with its natural ebbs and flows, the sense of cosmic breathing.
Direction of the Nodes reveals the polarity of time
As the Moon Nodes travel along the Zodiac in a non-constant manner, they reveal the notion of polarity of time.
During their natural clockwise retrograde phase, the emphasis is on the future and the nodal axis is ruled by the forces of the nature of Jupiter – expansion.
During their alternative counter-clockwise direct phase, the axis is influenced by the forces of the nature of Saturn – karma, introspection and reintegration becomes the dominant flavour of that time segment.

Introducing Time Nomad add-on: Moon Nodes Direction
The Moon Nodes Direction add-on for Time Nomad astrology app allows for further exploration of direct and retrograde phases of the Moon nodes as well as the nodes movement through the Zodiac. The add-on fully integrates with all relevant charts and astrological reports.
Thank you so much for this article. It is difficult to find anything on direct Nodes, as mine are in my chart, and so many old conversations on the Internet just revolve around “its rare, idk anything about it, so it isn’t significant, move on to the planets.” But the Nodes are SO palpably strong in my life, and I have recently noticed that when the transiting nodes go direct, the “veil” thins significantly in my life- I have sudden “downloads” of intuitive knowledge, I feel an urgency to live this life as sincerely as possible. The Nodes are the first things I look at in anyone’s chart, and I have noticed that some charts just have very strong Nodes- many squares and conjunctions and direct vs retrograde. My own chart’s direct nodes (SN conjunct Moon) form a Grand Cross with Mercury, Mars, and Neptune. I would say my chart’s rulers are the Nodes. I know many astrologers would dispute that since they are “just points,” but as a person who has studied nothing but Nodes for years, I humbly disagree.
Time Nomad
You’ve certainly noticed how influential the Nodes are in your chart and that makes a lot of sense experientially. When planets make a lot of aspects to the Nodes the chart hints at a certain dynamics that originated from one’s past lives. It’s a kind of accumulated planetary energies that you would experience strongly in current life. A planet on the South Node suggests that its energies were strong in previous incarnations, both for good and for the opposite. Hence the idea of accumulated karma with a positive or negative balance.
The Nodes are one of several windows through which one can access the meaning of the chart. There are charts where the Nodes don’t do much, it others they are very meaningful and influential.
The Moon on its South Node shapes how the native perceives the current life – expectations, aspirations, vision, etc. The Moon is very impressionable and takes things deeply, it’s close to one’s skin. Maybe somewhat difficult to deal with the competitive world yet there’s richness in life.
hi, )this is 2 years later not sure if you’ll see this) I just started looking into this as my chart has my moon conjunct my north node which is also direct, the opposite of your moon-south node conjunction but having the nodes direct, are a significant part of my chart - T square with my MC opp South Node conj Chiron) with moon being my chart ruler i really relate to the nodes being my chart rulers as well,and just a coincidence that the nodes are direct as i’m typing this i just found out lol but it’s hard to find information on direct node natal, really useful article and just wanted to add on + appreciate ur response ^_^
Time Nomad
A strong Moon in one’s chart would make the person extra sensitive, and that’s what the Moon archetype is about – feeling more, having deeper intuitions. Being conjunct to the North node makes the native more aware of the unfoldment of time and the impulses that herald changes even before they have happened. Moon is a great friend when it comes to perceiving subtleties!
Teri Hunter
I just noticed that I have my nodal structure SN Aries 12H / NN Libra 6H is direct. I had missed this subtle nuance of the Nodes until now; I never knew they could be direct. This article was AMAZING. Thank you. The details in the natal chart really bring out the soul’s intention for this lifetime and I just loved how you reflected that “subtly” here. Thank you
Time Nomad
The Nodes are truly mysterious and exciting. They make one look at their chart with different eyes.
My true node is 13’ leo direct at 5th house. Also my venus is leo too. My pluto saggitarius at 8th house retro. And pluto has triangle to my direct pluto. Has oppositon to uranus and moon ♒ ( at 11th house uranus r’ but moon is not retro) and square with saturn Taurus ( at 1st house) ^^ lol just guess my job ihieheh
Time Nomad
Skipping the job quiz… Pluto in the 8th house is a great position for aa things that relate to occult, death and sex. Fascination with secrets and mysteries. Retrograde helps to dig even deeper. Plus money that one didn’t earn.
I have direct NN in Scorpio 11th House (also Pluto retrograde is there) and always in Scorpio 10th House I have Jupiter retrograde… So SN in Taurus 5th House with Moon there (and I was born on Monday) (Mars in Taurus but 4th House)
I am very often focused on the career field because I still don’t know what to do in my life and I’m not satisfied with what I’m doing and soon is also coming Saturn return
Time Nomad
The Moon and the South Node in the 5th can offer some clues. The 5th is all about creativity, the force that pushes us forward. Given the nodes are direct, there could be an invitation to really ponder upon the question of “what is my creative input in this life?” Generally the Moon can be sleepy, passive and comfort seeking — that’s until one has discovered and activated its creative potential. The 5th house has the pull towards romance & procreation, especially with the Moon there it can become the Cosmic Mother principle. It depends on what you’re after. But caring and creating are the two forces where the Moon is happy to express itself.
Thanks for the answer. I agree with the Moon can be sleepy, because maybe it influences this on my creativity side, I feel I’m not creative at all, I still have to find my purpose in life but time goes fast and I feel stucked and powerless. I also have Black Lilith Moon in Taurus (4th House) and I don’t know if this “sleepy” effect is more emphasized…
Matt Birch
I found Time Nomad about a year ago and it has really helped me dive further into my chart, but every time I look at it I feel as if I’m falling deeper down the rabbit hole. This article on Nodes is mind blowing and I never realised my nodes were direct up to this point, and with multiple conjunctions off both NN and SN I feel desperately in need of help in interpreting these. NN is conjunct Pars Fortune, Neptune & IC in 3rd house Sagittarius. SN is conjunct Sun in 9th house Gemini/Taurus. Aspects involved are 1) Thors hammer with Saturn and Jupiter with tip on NN 2) NN trine Pluto (1st house Libra) and SN trine Mars (7th house Pisces). Also have another Thors hammer with tip on Saturn and a kite pattern. Really trying hard to figure out what path I should be on but can’t see the wood the trees still. Can anyone help me?
Time Nomad
The configuration may be pointing at the Sun that has played a significant role in the past lives – shining, giving, spirituality, knowledge. The 9th house is a great place to advance into long terms studies, perhaps with a philosophical angle? The North Node is pointing at Neptune as the direction one move towards, meaning universal values of compassion and expansion. Pluto in the 1st helps to “unstuck” the person’s life trajectory so that their life doesn’t become stagnated in the same patterns.
To summarise, it could be the life devoted to expanding one’s knowledge via long term study and research maintaining a certain focus on the philosophical dimension.
Ive wondered about direct nodes for a long time now. Great explanation of the nodes.
Very interesting article!! I was wondering since the time i recently discovered my nodes were direct what this truly means and this is the most accurate description i found. I have a strong fourth house pluto/mars conjunction and uranus at some degrees and many squares to the nodes. My attention to the past is always been strong and lately i am on the path to uncover many events in the life of my grandmother who lived a troubled life and whom i feel so drawn to
Very interesting article!! I was wondering since the time i recently discovered my nodes were direct what this truly means and this is the most accurate description i have found. I have a strong fourth house pluto/mars conjunction and uranus at some degrees and many squares to the nodes. My attention to the past is always been strong and lately i am on the path to uncover many events in the life of my grandmother who lived a troubled life and whom i feel so drawn to. Never thought though to investigate about my own previous lives but i would start pondering this possibility. Thanks so much for your precious insight, Time Nomad 🙏
Wow! I am only 2 years in to the study of Astrology and I’ve bought most of the Nomad’s add-ones. (I just now got the name - it tickles me!). In addition to TM, I’ve bought an awesome book detailing major transits for me the year ahead. That said, I can”t correlate the day to day transits of planetary aspects, but I can see an overall theme, but even then, it ties out (former CPA/Auditor who appreciates the debt/credit reconciliation language in your article) to the Nodes. I am making this post at 55 years, 10 months, and 18 days with the NN in Aries host to Saturn conjunction Chiron at 18/19 degrees in Natal chart. One could not stage the dual of the 10th/4th house more aptly beginning Feb. 2021 for myself (with the 10th hosting a stellum that took a beating - Mars conjunct Mercury, Algol, Lilith ) and it has certainly set the stage for the 9th/3rd house battle as I sit typing with a broken finger incurred defending property in the hood (I’ve relocated to) this Pisces new moon while I prepare to file legal matters 3/25 in Court against the State who unjustly has taken emminent domain of property. That said, although legal matters appear to be the target I aim, I know I will not prevail, nor could I have tolerated the amount of pressure I have had I not begun to search out the manner or method to re-kindle/unite with the divine. Thank you for your awesome app. I wished I was more adept at reading it but it has been a source of comfort, like security blankly of sorts. My point, the Nodes are pretty blatant reads. Thanks for the add on.
Time Nomad
You’re very welcome, Ty. Great to read how you see the reflection of the Nodes in your personal circumstances. Person’s life and their astrological chart at times have uncanny parallels, that’s always fascinating.
Amanda East
My Nodes are direct. South Node in Taurus in 9th house and naturally my North Node is Scorpio in the 3rd House. My moon is also in Scorpio in the 3rd House conjunct with Uranus. My Aries Blackmoon Lilith in the 8th House is conjunct Chiron and my South Node. The movie Moana is very meaningful to me. It feels as if the Universe is asking me to remember my past lives and waken the Goddess inside. My human has no idea what she is doing and yet she is the key to bringing the heart back to Te Fiti. I feel strongly a past Male energy that abused his power. I have had a hard, not boring, full of fear and anxiety life that has been exhilarating, fun, and adventurous. I found my heart.
Time Nomad
The thing about the lunar nodes is that they make much more sense when real planets are conjunct to them. Having an Asc/Mc conjunct to the nodes is also an impactful factor. When the nodes are not conjunct with anything it’s likely that their influence is much more diffused and not so easy to intuit about. It’s an invitation to look at other planets and their aspects. The real story can be unfolding there.
Thank you for this. I found the part about direct nodes reversing the Jupiter Saturn correlation quite interesting. The nodes are direct with north node conjunct 12th house Virgo Saturn in my chart with Saturn ruling my 4th house Capricorn stellium. That connection to the past makes a lot of sense as I do a good amount of ancestor and dream work.
Time Nomad
So many things in life are about time! The mysterious substance that keeps us equally captivated and captured.