Annual Sun–Neptune conjunction — divine magnificence and bottomless delusions

The annual Sun–Neptune conjunction is one of the most fundamental astrological events that happens every year, currently on the 11th of March, 2021. And yet not much is written about this truly mystical event and its deep influence on the ideals and aspirations of every human being.
This year of 2021, the influence of the Sun–Neptune conjunction starts about March, 1 and peaks in 11 days when the conjunction becomes exact on March, 11. After that the aspect will be slowly decreasing until the separation of the planets on March, 21.
The Sun–Neptune conjunction is the celebration of both divine magnificence and personal delusions of equally gigantic magnitude. Before talking about how this conjunction may influence each of us on a personal level, let’s take an excursion to the origins of the world and its metaphysical roots.
The four Elements and the formation of the Creation
The world as we know it has been created by the two opposing cosmic forces, Cosmic Fire and Cosmic Waters, the masculine and feminine aspects of universal creative energy also known as God.
We have touched the topic of the four Elements before and it’s a good opportunity to revisit the notion of the four Elements — fire, earth, water and air — and especially, fire and water. The opposing dualism of fire and water is the creative power that produced all the rest.

All paintings in this story by Ivan Aivazovsky
As per the Genesis, the very opening of the Bible:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Even though the Bible mentions “the Earth” there was no solid Earth, only the waters and creative fire shaping the fluid substance into the Universe, galaxies, planets and life of their inhabitants.
The universe as we know it is the result of the interaction between the creative spirit of Cosmic Fire and the endless receptivity of Cosmic Waters. All complexity of shapes and forms came out of this initial creative impulse. The four Elements became the foundation and the endless source of wonders.
Perhaps it’s worth noting that fire and water as we experience them here on the Earth are very distant relatives to Cosmic Fire and Cosmic Waters. Those are the two lofty principles that are pre-manifested, meaning they existed before the physical matter was created. The myth of creation tells us that all physical matter will eventually dissolve back to the source.
Symbolism of the Sun
At their archetypal level, the Sun and Neptune correspond to the principles of Cosmic Fire and Cosmic Waters. They can be seen as the “handles” to their lofty super-principles.
The Sun is the source of all creative energy in the Solar system. No life is possible without the Sun. The Sun gives birth and propels all living creatures towards their individual destinations.
Most of humans have at least some degree of understanding of what moves them through life — may it be high ideals, building a career or rising kids — but behind all that is the true source of all energy, the principle of Solar fire that is the only true motivator for any living creature to be born, to survive and to succeed — true for each of the thousands of species inhabiting the Earth.
The Sun is not just another planet, it’s the powerhouse out of which all planets receive their kinetic momentum, their warmth and potential life. In astrological symbolism, the Sun is the principle of ownership, rulership and radiance of the most foundational energies. Those who are in touch with their Sun will always succeed.
Neptune is the door to Cosmic Waters
No other planet in our Solar system has the oceanic depth and expanse that Neptune possesses. This expanse is the link to the universality of the Creation, the reminder of where it all started and into what it all will dissolve, at the end of time.
Neptune is the source of aspirations that equally applies to saints, idealists, dreamers, alcoholics and substance addicts. Neptunian depth is truly endless and manifests itself in this wide variety of personalities through one force — the power of intoxication.
At our deepest, all humans experience the desire to merge and dissolve into infinity. This is our subconscious definition of “home”, something that is big enough to encompass all possibilities and variations and negate any kind of smallness that is imposed on us by living on the Earth with its endless friction and shortage of seemingly everything — love, heartness, freedom, justice, equality for of each and all.
This really hurts all Neptunian people and unfortunately makes them turn away from this world, and that is perhaps an obvious — but not the right — choice.
Intoxication with infinity meets fire or creativity
And so comes the day when the two principles meet. The moment of the Sun–Neptune conjunction is where the two most opposing and yet universally foundational forces blend into oneness.
The force of life and creative fire projects itself into the deepest waters and gives birth to inspired ideas of truly cosmic nature.
And here lies the trick… what if the opposite happens, what if the bottomless waters engulf the creative fire? We are going to look at a few possible scenarios of how a Sun–Neptune conjunction may manifest itself.
The moment of personal Big Bang
The Sun is the ultimate navigator and the lighthouse of truth. Its raw energy is the force that translates individual aspirations into concrete actions just as wind pushes a sailing ship towards its destination.
The personal Big Bang is a replica of the universal creative impulse. Once a year we all can spread our sails to catch the solar wind and use its superior dynamism to mould Neptunian aspirations into concrete deeds. It is the time to set a personal creative impulse that will thrive on high ideals and powerful inspirations. A golden opportunity to discover one’s inner America!
The moment of Sun–Neptune conjunction is a perfect confluence of Spirit and eternal Flame.
Idealism that swallows action
Neptune always comes with a challenge of intoxication gone wrong. Too many people on this planet are dreaming about high ideals, they talk a lot, devise plans… yet nothing comes out of that. Procrastination is the opposite effect of Neptune that swallows creative impulses and dulls personal will.
Some people with strong Sun–Neptune energy have deep visions and intuitions but they are not capable of putting them into practice. They imagine, they dream, they talk, they make promises and resolutions. But the vagueness of Neptune dissolves all that just like oceanic waves dissolve sand castles erected on the beach.
Neptunian people are prone to all kinds of substance abuse. Anything that brings intoxication has an immense pull. Something in those individuals remembers the endless unity of the divine and yearns to merge back with the source. They forget that that door is permanently shut, there is no turning back. The only way is through the Sun, through its creative fire.
The broken dreams of Neptune
Delusions of truly universal proportions is the forever danger of the Sun–Neptune influence. Many shipwrecks are the result of poor planning and even more careless execution fuelled by utopian hopes that the situation will somehow magically adjust itself.
Those who have both the Sun and Neptune prominent in their charts have the power to convince others to follow their dreams and projections. That is the danger of the intoxicated mind inflamed by the fire akin to a match thrown into a jar of petroleum. It bursts into irrational delusional tempest that will last until not much left. Only the ashes.
Have you got a Sun – Neptune aspect?
Any major aspect between the Sun and Neptune will manifest a strong Neptunian personality. People with strong Neptunian values are also known as “the Pisces people” in the New Age astrology.
The strongest aspects will be conjunction, opposition, square and trine. The sextile will be more subdued and will reveal itself only under certain circumstances.
It makes sense to differentiate the Sun–Neptune aspect from other Neptunian aspects. The power of the Sun enables the person to be in touch with the deep waters like no other planet can. This brings its own challenges and potentially life changing opportunities.
The biggest challenge is vagueness and procrastination. The person may have a rich inner life filled with lofty dreams and compassionate ideals. But if procrastination and inability to act rule life, then not much will come out of that. In the very worst case Neptunian tendencies will result in addiction to all kinds of detrimental intoxication — alcohol and drugs. A lot of substance addicts are subconsciously trying to escape the “here and now” of the material world and re-experience the merging with the universal source. The only problem is that that door doesn’t exist any longer. The universe has emerged out of Cosmic Waters through the force of Cosmic Fire, or God consciousness. The road forward is through the Sun.
On a higher note, the individuals who make their Sun–Neptune work are able to tap from the highest inspiration and creativity of a truly universal magnitude. For them the Sun is the guiding and rejuvenating principle. Think of a truly compassionate leader like Mahatma Gandhi who had a Sun–Neptune opposition, or the spiritual lighthouse Sri Aurobindo who had a Sun–Neptune trine. They both certainly made it work while being extremely idealistic yet focused, productive and willing to succeed.
The key lessons of Sun–Neptune
The power, potential and challenges of a Sun–Neptune aspect lies in the primordial nature of planetary archetypes behind the Sun and Neptune. The combination of fire and waters can easily overwhelm and it takes a great degree of stability, focus and sheer determination to navigate away from abysmal depths of self-delusion using the Solar creative force.
I’m a 1st house Neptune and I really resonate with all this. Would all of these also be true for those like myself?
Time Nomad
Oh, sure! Having Neptune in the first house impacts Neptunian values on the personality, big time! Also look for possible aspects of Neptune. Generally speaking, Neptune makes the person very sensitive and really open to higher inspirations. But, as with any other planet, there are challenges of Neptune — it brings too much water resulting in excessive noodling and not being able to put any of intentions into practice. On the health front, Neptune makes one’s energy way too open and thus facilitates unneeded energetic enmeshments, plus the whole alcohol/drugs/addiction drama. With Neptune it’s very much like listening to the Sirens and getting destroyed. Doesn’t mean that Neptune is a “bad” planet? Far from that, its potential is huge and truly cosmic! But Neptune requires very precise handling and knowing exactly what you’re doing. Otherwise too easy to get lost.
The best advise is to use the will and drive of dynamic and practical planets like Sun, Mars and Saturn. Saturn is especially good for this as it gives the ability to be practical, down-to-earth and brings a healthy degree of dryness, which is very helpful in the case of overly watery Neptune. What could be a good strategy? Concrete, small, everyday practical achievements is the best cure for the downsides of Neptune. Once the person is actually busy working and implementing concrete projects then Neptune can help by bringing its inspiration and ideas, kind of “background inspiration” mode. But it doesn’t seem to be working the other way — experiencing ideas and visions without working hard everyday leads nowhere. Big gift comes with an equally big challenge!
I agree, it’s a very challenging aspect to have, I’ve got about $10 million dollars worth of great business ideals that I write, structure and creatively speak about, yet have not been able to execute, it’s also a toxic planet that it can invade and cause havoc onto your health as I’m dealing with diabetes, heart disease, and hyper thyroidism , fortunately I have a Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, which as somewhat allowed me to become more focused and determined to stop the negative effects of Neptune, I’m quite inspiring, creative, but I wouldn’t promise it on my worst enemy because it dissolves your ability to be a prominent force in life, I hate it sometimes
I have a sixth house Neptune, and I seem very sensitive to my environment
Time Nomad
That is “normal” for Neptunian force, it comes with great sensitivity and also aesthetic sense. Can use that in artistic direction. Try to catch flows of creativity. But need to put that into practice otherwise it all fizzles out too easily. And we gotta pay the bills here!
Haha, “the Pisces people”. My 10th house Pisces Sun & Mercury sextile my 8th house Neptune in Capricorn. I’m curious to know what the certain circumstances would be to reveal itself?
Time Nomad
The sextile aspect carries the symbolism of unfoldment and opportunity. Having the Sun in the 10th house points at the active stance towards doing and achieving in the world. How you do and achieve could be influenced by the fact that your Sun is in Pisces, obviously ruled by Neptune. This could manifest in professional activities that, at least at the inner motivational level, relate to the ideas of universal good and contributing to others and the society, or even artistic endeavours. Neptune sextile will chip in occasionally providing an extra boost of its influence to already Piscine Sun, and that will be more tangible during periods of Neptune being aspected by some other planet. A good approach is noticing the transits of natal Neptune and seeing what changes they bring in a way your Neptune relates to the Sun.
I have the sun in gemini 9th house, opposite neptune (in Sag 3rd house), trine Saturn and Mars (basically merged into one planet, 25 02 and 24 52) in the 11th. Most of the time I can get stuff done, but now and again the water wells up and washes it all away and I have to start again. Neptune is retrograde in my birth chart too, I wonder if that has any influence?
Time Nomad
Mars–Saturn tight conjunction is the one to watch. Those are the two planets of opposing principles: Mars is forward going and hot, Saturn is introverted and cool. That may easily result in swings depending on situation. Mars–Saturn often comes with self-imposed guilt and limits and a set of semi-conscious taboos. That blocks the flow. Work on yourself to recognise any kind of limits that you may have imposed onto yourself, in many cases they are no more than self-constructed illusions. Always be either working (meaning having a job) or engaging in physical movement (walking, exercising regularly). That will loosen Saturnian inhibitions on Mars. Healthy Saturn will help Mars a lot!
Once Mars–Saturn has been improved, it would allow for greater access to willpower and will nicely hold Sun–Neptune opposition. Mars–Saturn is extremely powerful when working well, it just takes some work to get it right.
I‘m a Stay at Home Mom, Homeschooler and Wife, who’s very creative, intuitive, and passionate. Unfortunately, feeling stuck for over 8 years, I don’t know what to do career/goal wise. My day to day routine has become mundane and I’m frequently daydreaming and procrastinating a lot. I have several Retrograde planets. As a newcomer to astrology, I’m starting to wonder if Neptune-R is the reason. What part of my chart do I need to focus on?
I have several Trines to Neptune-R: •6th house Neptune-R (16 09’)in Sagittarius •10th house Moon (10 18’)in Aries •2nd house Saturn-R (10 22’) in Leo-also trines 10th house Mercury (04 22’) and Moon in Aries •11th house Venus-R (24 08’)
Other Aspects •5th house Pluto-R (13 11’) in Libra sextiles Neptune and 2nd house Saturn •10th house Sun (29 57’) in Pisces •5th Pluto-R opposes both 10th house Moon & Mercury •12th house Jupiter (27 25’) in Taurus sextiles 10th house Sun *Sun, Moon, Mercury conjunction *N. Node-R in Libra (24 22’) *10th house Mars (0 27’) conjunct Midheaven (8 23’ 26”) in Pisces *Mars square Jupiter
Time Nomad
The common confusion about Neptune is that one takes it too personally. But Neptune is not a “personal” planet, so to speak. Personal planets like Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter influence us in a direct manner, we can relate to them because we can see them with our physical eyes, we actually receive their light. Transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) have much more diffused and broad, one can say “background” influence. Their influence is usually transmitted to each individual through the personal planets.
Retrograde transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are regular events due to their very slow movement and don’t have a direct personal impact. They may impact another planet through a hard aspect (conjunction, opposition, square) and somewhat alter how that planet manifests in one’s personality.
In the case of your chart — and your words — it’s the Moon that is loud and clear. It may receive some subtle coloration from Neptune via the trine but I wouldn’t focus too much on that. The main dialectic in your chart is between the Moon and Mars that is reinforced by the Moon in Aries (Mars sign) and Mars in Pisces (Moon + Neptune sign). There is no aspect between them but they are in the same 10th house representing your potential for doing in the world (career, etc.)
The Moon–Mars is a challenging but promising combination. The Moon is watery and reflective, Mars is fiery and direct. Together they don’t work well as Mars tends to either overheat the Moon or the Moon swallow direct fire of Mars in its endless malaise. The downside is being compulsive but not productive. The good side is a passionate nature, hot feelings, being able to be in love, burning imagination.
So I’d say a good idea is to work on separating emotions and actions. When you do you do 100%. When you feel you feel 100%. Mixed together they become a fiery soup, not productive and very confusing for meaningful actions in the real world. Perhaps a good idea would be finding a project (perhaps about people) that you feel passionate about. And then follow it up thoroughly separating doing from feeling and emotions. You can actually get quite successful with your Mars on MC and square Jupiter which is a very good aspect for action.
Sun conjunct Neptune in 1st House in Cancer. Am I the Second Coming?
Time Nomad
That’s a perfect question from a Sun-Neptune person! If you’re the one then you know it.
I have s Sun in Scropio 9th house parallel Neptune in Aquarius in 1st house and parallel Pluto in Sagittarius in 11th house
Thank you for this information. I have my Sun conjunct Neptune in my 2nd house. Side note it’s also conjunct my moon. This all resonated thanks.