Planetary hours calculator, created by Time Nomad app

The order of planetary hours and therefore the days of the week can be further explored in the context of sacred geometry with some elements of numerology and an introduction of heptagrams.

Continuing mini-series on the topic of planetary hours in the context of astrology. This is the third part of the story. The reader is invited to review the first part and the second part as they provide a necessary foundation for this article.

Recapping the previous article

The previous part explored the relationship between planetary hours and the seven day week commonly used throughout the world. The sequence of the days of the week — as well as their names — clearly originates from the sequence of the planetary hours, the fundamental system of division of time.

Numerology of a circle

Looking further into the numerological symbolism of the number seven that represents both seven classical planets and seven planetary spheres, one could experiment with a circle which is the simplest symbol of infinity of space and time.

Firstly, looking at the number 360° degrees that constitute the circle: it is a product of a very simple — yet equally elegant — mathematical multiplication:

360 presented as a product of multiplication

Dividing the circle into seven equal parts produces seven sectors of 51.4285714286…° degrees each. There are actually a few more elegant ways to express this number:

360 degrees divided by 7 presented in decimal format and as a fraction

What is becoming interesting is that the operation of division of a circle by number seven introduces number five which deeply relates to all things that are considered belonging to the domain of magic, alchemy and astral powers in general.

Conversely, dividing the circle into five sectors produces number 72°, again highlighting the linkage between numbers 5 and 7.

360 degrees divided by 5 presented in decimal format and as a fraction

Pondering upon these equations from the numerological perspective, one may say, “astral energy is a function of time”, and vice versa.

Circle divided by seven and the heptagram

Moving back to dividing the circle, this is what one gets — a circle divided into seven equal parts.

Circle divided into seven equal parts

This introduces an opportunity to bridge numerology and sacred geometry.

Using the sequence of planetary hours and placing the ruling principle, the Sun, at the top — or another way to think of this point as the midheaven of an astrological chart — and distributing the rest of the planets, the following diagram is emerging:

1. Saturn ➝ 2. Jupiter ➝ 3. Mars ➝ 4. Sun ➝ 5. Venus ➝ 6. Mercury ➝ 7. Moon

Heptagram constructed following the order of planetary hours

The polygon above is constructed by connecting the points according to the order of planetary hours. The other way to connect the points is by using the order of the days of the week:

1. Sunday (the Sun) ➝ 2. Monday (the Moon) ➝ 3. Tuesday (Mars) ➝ 4. Wednesday (Mercury) ➝ 5. Thursday (Jupiter) ➝ 6. Friday (Venus) ➝ 7. Saturday (Saturn)

By doing so, a polygon called “regular heptagram” is emerging:

Heptagram constructed from planetary hours following the order of the days of the week

This diagram is called a heptagram because “hepta” means “seven” in Greek and “gram” means line. Heptagram is a star-like polygon made of seven intersecting lines.

Two major heptagrams

Only two possible kinds of heptagrams exist:

  1. “Regular heptagram”, is the one introduced above
  2. “The heptagram”

“The heptagram” is an alternative construction of a star-like object. Instead of connecting every third point, as it was done to produce the regular heptagram, one needs to connect every second point, producing the symbol historically carrying the meaning of perfection of God:

The heptagram is a symbol of perfection and infinity of God

In this case the order of the planets produces the second possible way to distribute dialectical pairs of planetary forces: Mars & Venus, Saturn & the Moon, Mercury & Jupiter.

Distribution of the seven classical planets according to the heptagram

The first order of distribution has been shown in the another part of this article.

Following each connecting line, one can notice that the heptagram consists of pairs of planetary forces of either harmonious polarity or expressing dialectical opposition of qualities.

The table below illustrates another dimension of the heptagram — the ebb and flow principle where planetary energies manifest themselves through alternating phases of compression or expansion, each phase consisting of several pairs of planets. The process is certainly neither random nor chaotic, it actually makes a lot of sense.

# Harmonious Dialectically opposing
1 Sun ➝ Mercury  
2   Mercury ➝ Saturn
3   Saturn ➝ Mars
4   Mars ➝ Venus
5 Venus ➝ Moon  
6 Moon ➝ Jupiter  
7 Jupiter ➝ Sun  

“The heptagram” is a well-known symbol used for centuries in many religious contexts, notably Christianity, Islam, metaphysical, occult and magical disciplines.

At a slightly rotated angle the heptagram becomes a familiar powerful symbol of dynamism of infinity imbued with endless perfection — sacred geometry indeed.

The heptagram is a symbol used in Christianity, Islam, occult and magical disciplines

Two heptagrams, two meanings

What is the difference between those two heptagrams? The difference is in the order of flow of the planetary energies:

The “regular heptagram” — where the points connected according to the order of the days of the week — symbolises the flow of time, the process of creation, the seven “days” of creation or the seven days of the week.

“The heptagram” — with its points connected according to the dialectic between planetary forces — symbolises the flow of energy through harmonious or contrasting planetary pairs. In other words, the “how to” aspect of a creative process such unfoldment of an individual human life, a DNA-like process of unpacking an endless double-helix spiral.

The heptagram and regular heptagram with the order of planetary hours

Truly, a lot of meaning packed in these ancient symbols.

Wrapping up the topic of Planetary Hours

Knowledge of planetary hours adds a new dimension to the interpretation of astrological charts. Planetary hours are also extremely important for anybody who practices magic, does rituals or deals with any kind of natural forces. Choosing right timing makes practices successful, and vice versa.

And… we are not done with the heptagrams yet! The next story covers the topic of irregular heptagrams what they possibly mean and how to make some sort of sense out of them when interpreting astrological charts.

Planetary hours calculator

How to calculate planetary hours using Time Nomad

Learn how to use planetary hours calculator, schedule a planetary hours alarm and discover other tools to work with planetary days of the week.