Astrology Today • issue 031
Time Nomad newsletter • February 24, 2020
From the editor

This New Moon is extra black and black doesn’t meet bad or scary, it means a greater more profound depth. Midnight starry sky is virtually empty, not a single planet appears to be visible. There are certainly stars in plenty! All planets are still positioned on the Sun side of the Solar System and thus disappear at night.
Black is beautiful. It makes you see things better. That’s perhaps why astrology has its roots in the darkness of the night sky. Embracing emptiness is often the key to understanding fullness of the day so loudly saturated with drive and activity.
The New Moon happens in the tropical sign of Pisces which apart from the Sun and the Moon also hosts retrograde Mercury and direct Neptune. It’s worth remembering that Pisces is the last sign of this astrological year as the Sun crosses the Pisces–Aries boundary on March, 19 — the day of the Equinox. The next New Moon moment takes place on March, 24 — in the vicinity of the Vernal Equinox.
This last lunation has some special meaning: it wraps up the astrological year; and it launches us into the next turn of the endless spiral of human development. I believe that there are clear signs of challenges and opportunities. The chart is rather explicit about that — the Black Moon and Chiron conjunction is tight and holds a square to the destiny line of the lunar Nodes. Down the page I will attempt to talk a bit more about this unique time period.
What a sound personal strategy could be? I’d say not to worry too much about Mercury being retrograde (which lasts until March, 9) yet focus on your own “shadow” or simply speaking reviewing your own past and see where your choices could be holding you back especially in anything that has to do with personal history of passion and inter-personal relationships that may have even taken some violent forms, either physical or emotional — yes, Mars is on the South Node and will be conjunct to Pluto during the next New Moon. That’s where Chiron offers a pathway towards resolution and healing!
Years in review,
Discovering energies of crystals
What you need to know when buying crystals for your astrology practice

Sometimes things are not what they seem… You may have learned this by being interested in astrology or maybe even seriously practicing this discipline, right? This also applies to gemstones. The way they’ve been treated or modified to enhance their visual properties and value may create an interference with their natural energetic profile.
So what do you need to be aware of when buying crystals, gemstones or any gemstone jewellery with an intention to tune into a connection with planetary energies that each of them carries?
Colour must be natural — stay away from dyed gemstones.
Enhancing or even changing gemstone colour is a very common practice especially when it comes to jewellery. Gem sellers are expected to disclose any treatment a natural stone may have undergone in order to increase its value (in addition to the standard cutting and polishing process). Unfortunately the reality is not there yet.
So when you go for crystal shopping simply ask the seller: Has this gemstone been treated and if so, how exactly? And then decide for yourself if you want to proceed.
To improve their colour and clarity gemstones can go through dyeing, bleaching, heat treatment, surface coating, irradiation, oiling and reconstruction.
Some of these treatments are more “confusing” than others when it comes to planetary energies.
Colour acts as a key to the gemstone’s personality and forces it is connected to. When the colour is significantly altered or changed (especially with chemicals) the energy and connection to the related planetary forces may easily vanish.
If you are curious about the nature of gemstone colour and its relationship to its properties, read our further crystal tips…
Miracle Explained – colors of your Gemstone Jewelry.
Gemstone Colour Guide – the Rainbow of Power.
Astrological Weather
The Black Moon and Chiron — when healing is needed
One can’t truly aspire to move forward without first resolving their past. And the past is something we are designed to forget. This last lunation happens under the influence of the Black Moon–Chiron conjunction, and will culminate during the next New Moon with the Sun and the Moon joining their forces and producing a powerful cluster of four planets square to the lunar nodes. All that in the fiery sign of Aries.
How to better understand this cosmic puzzle?
The Black Moon stands for the hidden, often disowned, side of us. It’s what we become when we lose conscious control of our own behaviour. Will we become manic lovers or fearless machinators? That’s the personal shadow to be discovered and accepted. Black Moon is a great topic, to learn more read “In the ‘shadow’ of the Black Moon”
In any case, what truly moves that shadow is often that kind of prior experiences that resulted in hurt, misunderstanding, abandonment… you name it. Those events leave lasting imprints in our astral bodies, not unlike wounds that scar the flesh. Chiron is the principle of resolution and healing, it symbolises the process of experiencing and accepting what has happened — without that no future movement is possible.
Those lunations during which Chiron finds itself close to the Black Moon — happens roughly about every 9 years — is an important time period offering a window of opportunity that may bring that resolution. The next conjunction will only happen in November 2029.
Zooming out from the personal arena to the whole world. What stands out is the world’s health: now we have the coronavirus problem that may become a fertile ground that will reveal the even bigger systemic weakness — the world’s financial debt. I’ve recently read that economically savvy people are now nearly equally divided into two camps: one half of them says the pandemic won’t happen and it’s not different from regular flu outbreaks, the other half treats coronavirus threat very seriously and already started to stock canned food.
That’s fascinating stuff to watch from an astrological perspective. All seeds have already been sawn, what will emerge?
Claudio Silvaggi
Awesome article brother. Really appreciate your knowledge and have learned a lot from you. As far as the Corona Virus, I see it as a cleanse (no such thing as a virus). Etymology of the word “virus” is releasing venom from the snake (kundalini). I did not look at my transit chart to warn me about a big cleanse I’m going through. Hygiea in Taurus opposite my natal hygiea and just coming out of aspect of Uranus and Eris Feb 21st. I know that with the weather predictions I’m doing (internal and external) when Eris (madonna, isis, Santa-claustrum, la Befana, ma’am, etc) comes out of an aspect it’s like the releasing of pulling apart two magnets. Your hands fly apart one released. Uranus is in a bi-quintile with my Natal Hygiea. I wonder how many people with the cleanse of the Corona have hygiea involved. Peace and Cheers!
Time Nomad
All good points. I’ve been wondering about astrology of the coronavirus outbreak. It’s clearly something out of ordinary (although not much unexpected).
Another good pointer is the dimming of Betelgeuse star which since about October 2019 dimmed down to only about 36 percent its normal brightness. For a few months I’ve been wondering if my eyes don’t see the right way until I’ve read about this phenomenon.
Betelgeuse is of Mars–Mercury nature with some Jupiter touch. It’s good for grounding wealth and gives success to military campaigns. Its detriment it can signify fevers and acute diseases… coronavirus have certainly emerged during its demise.
Betelgeuse is truly important astral energy when it comes to grounding human soul into the body, strengthening the immune system and providing robustness of health.
Just a few hours ago, on the February 25, some scientists have reported that the dimming has stopped. The original impulse and its influence are still here.